Thursday, October 16, 2008

Testing Password Strength Using Google

Password is very important because with password we are able to protect our confidential data from being accessed by wrong person.SO that is why it is very important that to use a complex password BUT easy to remember when choosing your password.

As far as I know, strong password must contain both numbers and letters.Have you choose password for example for your new email account?Well, then let's try to test whether that password is strong or not.

How to test ? The easy way is by using Google. I love Google since it has a lot of hidden services and hacks.Google tries to help us by creating a new hidden service that will give a security rating for every password.(Ratings is from 1 to 4).

1 - The Least Secure
4 - The Most Secure

Enter the URL shown below at the address bar of the browser and, observe the final “mypassword” tag. That’s the password field, so you must replace it with your own password and then press ENTER. Google will analyze it and then will return you the number that corresponds with your word.

enter this URL in your browser:-

For the example above,the results is "2",which means not secure enough.

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