Thursday, October 16, 2008

Delete INDEX.DAT (Faster Browsing)

First of all open up the command prompt. For that go Start Run cmd. Now press
CTRL + ALT + DELETE to bring up the task manager. In the task manager, go to
processes and click on explorer.exe. End the “explorer.exe” task. All the windows
will be closed down. Don’t panic. You can still see the command prompt. In the
command prompt type the following command exactly as it is:

Del "C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temporary
Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat"

Note is the name that you use to log in to your windows. Some
log in as “administrator” while some with another name eg: Sandeep. Whatever it is,
type that name. This will also help in fixing all the issues related to browser
performance, especially the ones that cause browser to hang frequently.

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